Pastoral Staff


Pastor Craig Riggle

Senior Pastor

Craig was born and raised in the Ford City area and has attended the NLC for 30+ years. He became the lead pastor in 2004 after serving as young adult/children's ministry leader. He has a Bachelor of Science in Bible Degree from Valley Forge Christian College (now the University of Valley Forge). Craig married Bethany in 2003, after meeting her at Valley Forge. They have 4 children together - Isaiah, Chloe, Lainey, and Jonah.

Lauren Noullet

Worship & Creative Team Leader

Lauren Noullet serves as our worship & creative team leader. After growing up in Ford City and NLC, she and her husband, Chris, spent 15 years living out-of-state, fulfilling ministry, education, and military roles. For Lauren, this included earning degrees in Music Education (B.S., University of Valley Forge; M.M.Ed., Loyola University) and developing a background both in the music classroom and church ministry settings. Since moving home in 2018, the Noullets have enjoyed returning to the church family at NLC. These days, Lauren can be found being ‘mom’ to her 3 little loves- Adelyn, Ella, and Luke, teaching voice and piano lessons, serving NLC in worship and creative projects, and settling into their new family home.

Bob Throckmorton

Pastoral Assistant

Bob has been a member of N.L.C. for over 25 years . He has served as a board member numerous times, and served as the leader of the Mens Ministry for many years. He currently serves as an assistant to the pastor. Bob is a retired business owner, and lives with his wife Pat and son Chris.